domenica 4 settembre 2011

Ben 10 Galactic Racing Powers

Hello Guys,yesterday i have watched other images of Ben 10:Galactic Racing and for now i know the powers of the Alien-Boxs.I have saved the images and now i say to you who are the powers in the box!

Watch the continue of the post!

The powers of Big Chill.With this powers you can block one your enemie in the game with the ice of Big chill and of Ultimate Big Chill!
An Misteryous force.I know that this power can go a little faster.But isn't sure.I have watched this power in the trailer.
A Folse Box.If you take it in the box,you can launch it and if one CPU take this box he can stops for a few of seconds.
Four Rocket.I don't know if this option can go + speed the kart of your car.Isn't Sure.But the image is similiar to Four Rockets.
A misteryous speed.This option may go + speed your car and this power change according the character.I have watched it in other videos.
Goop Powers.If you take it you can launch an mire-alien that if one CPU take the mire-alien he can stop for a few seconds.
For now i know this powers of the Game!If i watch other news i create one post!

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